AI in Your Pocket
Sia Pin

Step into the future with Sia Pin powered by AI

Sia Pin
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SIA PIN Use Cases

Explore top use cases

Customize Sia Pin

You can also build
your own models

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Find Models

Lets users quickly find the right open-source models that can be integrated to your application.

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Easy Integrate

Integrate AI Models into your applications without complex code. Easy API Integration.

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Seemless Deployment

Platform supports automated end to end AI Model deployment into AWS, Azure or Google Cloud

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Automated ML

Powering everything from feature transformation to model selection, monitoring and deployment.

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Community Support

Join the most forward-thinking AI organizations that are building AI Apps and Solutions.

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How it works

Choose an Use Case

Choose an AI usecase from the repository of use cases that works best for your project you are building.

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How it works

Select a Model

Select a model from the curated repository of best models built by the industry experts

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How it works

Pay via Crypto

Pay via crypto to cover the GPU costs. You can integrate via API or embed the user experience directly.

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How it works

Deploy and Monitor

Deploy and Monitor the performance of the model. Fine Tune using the platform as necessary.

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AI Marketplace

Platform to build, host and
integrate AI Models


Join our aI Experts community

Meet and learn from developers & companies who share how thay use AI Marketplace to create their own apps at lightning speed.

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Get Started with Sia Labs

Experience Products in AI

Based on the trusted models developed by
enterprise companies

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